Marcello D’Erasmo, world champion of Neapolitan pizza S.T.G.
Marcello D’Erasmo graduated Neapolitan Pizza STG world champion in 2012, winning the first place at the 11th “Caputo trophy “, held on 21st, 22nd, 23rd May in Nola (NA).
Owner of Pizzeria Mamma Rosa in Ortezzano (Fermo), in the Marche region, with over 35 years of experience, Marcello has exceeded Neapolitan masters from whom he learned the art and technique, stealing the most important secrets and following the best advice.
Marcello D’Erasmo imposed on 427 participants from Italy, Japan, France, Switzerland, Ukraine, Morocco, Germany, Romania, Brazil, Norway, Spain, Canada, Brazil, USA.
The trophy made Marcello enter the Olympus of Pizzaiuoli, as they say in Naples, giving him the right to be included in the circle of the best pizzaiuoli in the world.